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Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl flooring has been one of the most popular options for high traffic areas of the home since the mid-20th century. The primary reasons for its popularity come from its extreme durability and easy installation. Vinyl is also very easy to clean and requires almost no maintenance.

There are essentially two types of vinyl flooring: vinyl sheets and vinyl tiles. For larger rooms, sheets are often an easy way to save time and effort, but require gluing to hold them to the floor. Vinyl tiles, on the other hand, are perfect for smaller rooms and are often made in a self-adhesive design, meaning no messy glue to work with.

Vinyl flooring is especially good for commercial applications. Vinyl can made with a non-slip surface, making it ideal for professional kitchens and restaurant bathrooms. Because of its non-porous nature, it is also a very popular flooring material for hospitals and other medical facilities.

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